A member of the VCF Team just had the chance to sit a ten-day course at Dhamma Gutti, near Medellin, Colombia. We are excited to report that Dhamma Gutti is now gearing up to offer its first 30-day course in February of this year.
Based on old student volition and support, Dhamma Gutti has been very busy. They have completed 20 private rooms, attached baths on the female side, and 28 meditation cells for both men and women. Now, Dhamma Gutti is building the private rooms on the men’s side to prepare for the upcoming inaugural long course.
In the long term, the vision is to build a separate meditation cell block just on the women’s side (rather than having men/women share one building), as well as additional private rooms for men and better walking paths.
The ultimate long-term goal is to have Dhamma Gutti serve as a dedicated long-course center, which would be a tremendous gift of dhamma to the Latin America Region. Please join us in celebrating Dhamma Gutti for its incredible work in helping spread dhamma!
PHOTO: Exterior of the women’s private rooms.
PHOTO: Interior view of the women’s private rooms.
PHOTO: New construction of the men’s accomodations.