Help us support Dhamma Neru (Spain) urgently purchase an adjacent property.

Dhamma Neru (just outside of Barcelona) has a time sensitive opportunity to purchase the adjacent property to the center; and is urgently looking to raise approximately 1.125M euros in order to so.

Purchasing this property is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Firstly, the fact that the adjacent property has just become available for sale, is a tremendous serendipity in and of itself (and something that Dhamma Neru has been awaiting for 10 years)! And secondly, should this land be acquired, Dhamma Neru would significantly increase its capacity on courses by accommodating up to 84 students (and 110 individuals with servers) — including 36 new single rooms with attached bathrooms. This would be a tremendous benefit given that Dhamma Neru is very limited in the construction it can do on its current property to increase capacity (since the center is on agricultural/national park land). And as a result, for the past 25 years, the center has been valiantly supporting the dhamma but within very limited capacity/comfort for students and servers (mainly using dorms/bunks).

Additionally, should Dhamma Neru successfully purchase this property, they already have all the building designs and architectural plans in place. So they would be able to move forward very quickly.

Any support provided to Dhamma Neru via the Spain fund** is greatly appreciated. And we thank you in advance for your volition to help support the spread of dhamma globally!


If you have any problems or questions with your donation you can reach us at

*Note that VCF can also receive dana in the forms of: cash, check, wire transfer, crypto currency, securities, or other complex donations. Feel free to reach out to us if you would prefer to donate via one of these alternative methods. Also, VCF allocates 2% of any international donations to the admin fund to help cover any operational & legal costs related to international giving.

Dhamma Neru and the bordering land available for purchase.


spain Fund

***Please note: that all dana is appreciated and no amount is too small.***

You will receive a U.S. tax-deductible receipt upon donating.

Dhamma Neru and the adjacent land that could help the center expand their capacity.

Existing Dhamma Neru Center, Spain.