Help us support Dhamma Bhanu (Japan) during a 10-month construction shut-down.
The buildings constructed in the early years of the Dhamma Bhanu (around 1989) underwent a seismic survey by a specialist, who concluded that they were inadequately resistant to earthquakes and that immediate action was needed. Considering the safety of course participants as their top priority, Dhamma Bhanu has now been completely shut down since Fall of 2023 in order to seismically reinforce the main building/dhamma hall, the dining hall building and the toilet & shower buildings.
To date (January, 2023), the exterior walls and roof of the dining hall are complete. And the next phase is now to complete the interior of the dining hall, as well as address the seismic work on the toilet and shower building that have undergone some challenges due to groundwater interference.
The goal is to try to complete everything by May of 2024 — so that Dhamma Banu can once gain start offering 10-day courses! However, Dhamma Banu is now looking for approximately $120,000 in dana in order to be able to finish out the remaining work. This will include: reinforcing the main building, reinforcing the partition between the toilet and shower building, and supporting old student loans that were temporarily provided for this critical safety work.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. You will receive a U.S. tax-deductible receipt upon donating**. And if you have any problems or questions with your donation, you can email us at
If you have any problems or questions with your donation you can reach us at
*Note that VCF can also receive dana in the forms of: cash, check, wire transfer, crypto currency, securities, or other complex donations. Feel free to reach out to us if you would prefer to donate via one of these alternative methods. Also, VCF allocates 2% of any international donations to the admin fund to help cover any operational & legal costs related to international giving.
Japan FUND
You will receive a U.S. tax-deductible receipt upon donating.
Image of 52 piles laid down for the foundation of the dining hall.
Seismic work on interior of dining hall.
Seismic work on shower building.