Currently, VCF is raising dana for Farsi Courses and App

HELP US SUPPORT THE spread of Dhamma for Farsi-speaking students in the Middle East and surrounding regions.

Farsi-speaking old and new students in the Middle East and surrounding areas have extremely limited opportunities to attend Farsi language courses. As a result, the VCF has established a fund for those who wish to support courses for Farsi-speaking old and new students in these areas. This fund is used to help organize and cover expenses for non-center Farsi language courses. 

Via old student volition, to date this fund has supported courses in Armenia and Jordon — that have supported approximately 100 students per course. The demand is extremely high for Farsi-speaking courses right now; and courses are oversubscribed within days of being posted.

Additionally, it is difficult for Farsi-speaking students to receive communications related to courses being offered. So this fund is looking to raise dana for an app specifically for intra-communication among the Farsi-speaking community.

Any dana contributed to this fund will go towards these ongoing courses and app development. You will receive a U.S. tax-deductible receipt upon donating*.


If you have any problems or questions with your donation you can reach us at

*Note that VCF can also receive dana in the forms of: cash, check, wire transfer, crypto currency, securities, or other complex donations. Feel free to reach out to us if you would prefer to donate via one of these alternative methods. Also, VCF allocates 2% of any international donations to the admin fund to help cover any operational & legal costs related to international giving.


Farsi CourseS FUnd

***Please note: that all dana is appreciated and no amount is too small.***

You will receive a U.S. tax-deductible receipt upon donating.